May 17th 9:00am to 4:00pm Jr 5th and 6th Grades Register at
May 18th 9:00am to 4:00pm Sr 7th and 8th Grades Register at
June 1st K thru 2nd 8am to 12pm 3rd and 4th Grades 1pm to 6pm, Register at
Questions contact Bill McNeil at
Registration for our 2025 Spring Season is now Open. A Registration Late fee will be applied after 2/10 and will Close on 2/20. Registration for new Members will Remain open until 4/1 for New Players grades K thru 2nd Registration will Close 4/30.
We anticipate Team, Player and Parents meetings the week of March 23rd and on Field to begin 4/1. The Season will run thru June 15th. Each Team will have two practices each week and games on the weekend. Each team will attend two Jamborees as well as participate in our Host Jamborees the weekend of 5/17 and 5/18 and June 1st for Grades K thru 4th. Click the Register Now Tab to Register.
Our Winter Stick time and Skill Session season registration is now open. Please register Now ! Space is Limited
Our Winter Season will run From Jan 10th to March 7th . We hold Skill Sessions Wednesdays at the CFC Arena at 1018 Sherman Ave Hamden CT from 6:00pm to 9:00pm and Friday Nights at Bethany Gym from 5:00pm to 8:00pm
We will Rotate each week our two groups of Ages K thru 4th Grades and 5th Thru 8th Grade each week Starting our 1st week Weds Jan10th with K-2nd Garde 6:00pm to 7:30 and 3rd and 4th Grade 7:30pm to 9:00pm at the CFC and Friday Jan 12 with 5th and 6th Grade 5:00pm to 6:30pm and 7th and 8th 6:30pm to 8:0pm at Bethany Gym.
Each week we will rotate age groups to each location and day . Our Coaching Staff will be the same as our fantastic Spring and Fall team of Coaches. Our Amity High School Varsity Girls Lacrosse Head Coach Chris Elledge will be the Director of the skill sessions as well as be on field coaching.
The Cost of the Winter Season will be $130 and must be paid at time of registration. US Lacrosse Membership is required. Please be sure to register as soon as possible since roster sixes are limited due to sizer of indoor locations
Winter Season is open to K thru 8th Grades players residing in Bethany, Orange and Woodbridge
We look forward to a great Winter Season
Amity Girls Youth Lacrosse Board of Directions
This winter we will be Holding Indoor Skill Sessions on Wednesday Nights at the CFC Building In Hamden. Sessions will run 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Registration will open in November and we will have limited spots. An Email will be sent to members in October with more details !